Pushback: Patriots In SC To Gather With Governor To Promote Personhood In Opposition To Baby Murder In NY, VA & VT

Pushback: Patriots In SC To Gather With Governor To Promote Personhood In Opposition To Baby Murder In NY, VA & VT by Tim Brown – Freedom Outpost

While New York has passed its unlawful and unconstitutional protection for baby murderers and Virginia and Vermont are both considering bills that would allow the murder of infants up to the time of delivery in order to make the most profits from those murdered baby’s body parts, South Carolina is gaining momentum among true, Christian, law-abiding and upholding patriots in the Personhood movement.  On Wednesday, Personhood South Carolina, along with pro-life and abolitionists from across the state, will gather at the capitol rotunda for prayer and calling out the evil of the murder of human beings, repent and ask God for forgiveness and courage to implement justice on behalf of the most innocent and helpless in our society.

The gathering is scheduled for 12-1 pm on Wednesday, February 6, 2019.  If you are interested, you can find more information by clicking here.

Personhood South Carolina’s motto is “Equal Protection, No Exceptions, End Abortion.”

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Personhood, unlike most “pro-life” legislation, is not seeking to regulate abortion, but to abolish it.  It seeks to once again have those in authority recognize that this is crime that is to be punished according to justice and God’s law.  It also seeks to preserve the lives of countless thousands of South Carolinians of all ethnicities who are image bearers of their Creator.

In the process, Personhood South Carolina is hoping to be the catalyst that God would use to comfort other abolitionist, pro-life and personhood movements across the country to become more vocal and courageous in standing up for the lives of innocent babies in our society who have the right to life.

Additionally, many state representatives, senators and Governor Henry McMaster are scheduled to attend.

Matt Clark, who leads Personhood South Carolina, spoke out on Facebook during a live video feed on Friday calling on South Carolinians to pray and fast, reminding them that the battle is not against political personalities, nor as the Bible says, “flesh and blood,” nor is the battle against those who are deceived nor the abortionists.  Clark says:

“Brothers and sisters, our battle is against the forces of darkness in the spiritual realm, and if we do not pray, if we do not humble ourselves, and fasting is one way God has given us to humble ourselves, and cry out to Him and examine our own heart…. to repent before God of our own sins, to draw near to Him, to cry out to Him on behalf of our neighbors and to beseech the Lord to come in glory and to crush His enemies… to crush the devil, to crush the forces of darkness in our state and to send forth legion upon legion of angels into our state and then we will see victory.”

Personhood is led by its executive director, Dr. Matthew Clark.  Dr. Andrew Dionne is Personhood’s secretary and Travis Childers is Personhood’s treasurer.

Personhood South Carolina comments on both the history and its goal to reestablish the foundations of personhood and life, which are biblical and constitutional.

The personhood movement has its origins in the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, the very Supreme Court case which struck down state statutes on abortion. When the state of Texas was presenting its case, it argued that a fetus was a person within the language and meaning of the 14th amendment, and therefore protected.

In writing his opinion, Justice Blackmun claimed he could find no basis for such status. He noted, however, that “If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant’s case [Roe’s case], of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life would then be protected.”

Though the Personhood movement began in 1973, the reality of the personhood of the preborn was established by God when He created man in His own image. Dan Becker explains,

Most of us are familiar with the classic hymn Holy, Holy, Holy, the refrain of which declares the eternal truth of “God in three Persons–blessed Trinity.” One God in three distinct Persons–set apart from each other and yet equal–this is a great and profound mystery. Personhood exists within the Godhead.

When God created humankind He imparted the similar attribute of Personhood. Genesis 1:26-27 allows us to listen in on a conversation taking place within the Godhead: “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.’” –Personhood: A Pragmatic Guide to Prolife Victory in the 21st Century and the Return to First Principles in Politics

The goal of the personhood movement is to re-establish Constitutional protection for all human beings beginning at the moment of fertilization, by legal recognition of their personhood because they are created in the image of God. Until every baby in the womb has this status, they are vulnerable to being deprived of the most fundamental right of all: the right to life.

Because a preborn baby is a person, the Constitutional protections afforded to persons should apply. Under the US Constitution, the 5th amendment guarantees that no person shall be “deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” The 14th amendment also includes the statement, “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

The legal recognition of the preborn babies as persons would include them in such Constitutional protections as “due process of law” and “equal protection of the laws”.

Source – Freedom Outpost – https://freedomoutpost.com/pushback-patriots-in-sc-to-gather-with-governor-to-promote-personhood-in-opposition-to-baby-murder-in-ny-va-vt/

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